In the beginning there was a god named Aion who ruled over a world called Atreia. This god created a race of intelligent entities to act as his servants (in likeness to angels ) whom he called the Balaur. After some time passed the Balaur disobeyed Aion's wishes and rebelled against their creator. The god Aion then created the 12 Empyrean Lords. The Empyrean Lords in turn created a barrier which prevented the Balaur from attacking the humans charged under their protection. Within this barrier all things were safe. The Balaur ravaged and destroyed many of the living things residing outside of the barrier.
Some humans, living within the safety of the barrier, learned how to harness some of the same energy as the Empyrean Lords, known as aether. Such humans were called Daeva and, like the Empyrean Lords, had wings. With time, enough Daevas were born to form an army. Ten of the Empyrean Lords led these Daevas into battle against the Balaur, while the remaining two were the guardians of the Tower of Eternity, the embodiment of the god Aion. The war with the Balaur lasted for hundreds of years until one of the guardians of the tower announced that they should find a way to make peace with the Balaur. Five of the Empyrean Lords vehemently disagreed. However, the second guardian of the tower was swayed to peace. The Balaur were invited into the tower for peace talks. It is unclear what happened at that point. One of the Balaur lords lay wounded on the floor and the rest proceeded to attack the tower. The two Guardians attempted to raise the shield by going to opposite ends of the tower. However, they were unsuccessful and the tower, along with the world, shattered in two. As their final act, the two guardians sacrificed their lives in order to protect a part of Atreia. With Atreia severed, the survivors banded together to face their new world. Of the original twelve, ten of the Empyrean Lords survived. Five who had opposed peace and claimed that the weakness of the rest of the lords had allowed the Balaur to attack them reigned over the dark part of the world, becoming known as the Shedim Lords. The other five reigned over the light-covered bottom part of Atreia and claim that it was the Shedim Lord's actions that caused the breaking of the tower. They are known as the Seraphim Lords.
The new shape of the world also reshaped its inhabitants. Those that lived in the light part of the world saw little change except for an increase in their beauty. These followers of the Seraphim Lords called themselves Elyos and created the city of Elysea. The inhabitants of the upper part of the world saw many changes. Having to walk on ground strewn with fragments of the tower, their feet became talons. Having to fight against beasts, their hands became claw-like. Furthermore, the darkness made their complexion change and their eyes grew red adapting to the absence of light. They call themselves Asmodians and live in the city of Pandemonium under the rule of the Shedim Lords. (quoted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aion_(computer_game) )
This is where his journey starts, Crazymofo was one of the Elyos who lived his life in the light part of the world. Today is the first day he can remember for he has lost his memory of who he is, so he wonders aimlessly around hoping to find clues to recover his long lost memories. Now if you’re wondering about his name well its actually very descriptive because this is one crazy mofo! He tends to had conversations with random objects and animals and somehow he hears them talking back to him. We of coarse assume it’s all in his head but who are we to know what’s real.
Crazy’s journey began with quite a bit of excitement, perhaps because his memory of his past is completely blank to him and he is not aware of the superior fighting skills he posses’ yet. Because not to long after he had woken up from his coma he ran across a giant bug! The first thing he said when he seen it was. . . 

The bug then replied, “Whats your problem, I could say the same about you!”
Crazy quickly replied, “HA! Ya right you’re a ugly nasty bug, I’m damn handsome!”
“You look just as Ugly and Nasty to me as I do to you I bet” said the bug.
Crazy then thinking to himself, getting bored with this bugs lame argument; takes a look at his hand and remembers he has a sword and shield. “Well I bet I have these for a reason and smashing this annoying bug to bits sounds like a pretty good reason to me! Without another word that the bug might try to counter Crazy lifted his sword arm up above the bug and before he could get a word in past the shock in its bug like face Crazy swung his blade down with such force and precision that he chopped the bug diagonally in half, leaving its 3 hind legs separated from one of his front legs and his head.
Crazy wondered around for weeks after that learning that he was actually a very skilled fighter. He found his skill with blades seemed to overrule all and he found himself killing all the bugs and animals he seem just so he could get more experience in using his skills. He kept this up for a few weeks solo, just keeping to himself until one day he came across a little gnome named Mastin! He was having some trouble dealing with a flying bug came across, it turns out he was far worse about bugs then Crazy was, Crazy realized not long after his first encounter with the bug that he actually wasn’t afraid of bugs at all actually. But Mastin didn’t need any excuse because he was truly genially afraid of Bugs!

“Are you alright” Crazy yelled over to Mastin.

“Are you alright” Crazy yelled over to Mastin.
“Does it look like I’m Alright?!? Look at the size of this thing! Get it off me!”
Crazy didn’t hesitate and quickly took out his sword and threw it like a giant dart speeding at the Flying Bug. Right before the blade hit he could of sworn he heard the bug yell “Bug Killer!”
“Wow thanks a lot! I owe you one, I could of easily taken that thing but when I see bugs I get all nervous and scared and I freeze up and forget which spells to cast and which shields to put up etc. . . . And I become useless for the most part.” Said Mastin; with a funny kind of bashfulness.
“I could tell, it’s a wonder you have survived this long, those bugs are all over the place!” Crazy said accusatorily.
Mastin Quickly replied “Well you see normally I keep a big bottle of Bug B Gone with me and it keeps them away but I ran out and sure enough first bug I see comes right for me!”
“I see” Crazy said not quite convinced
To Be Continued. . .